We are excited to assist your company with their next marketing project! Please complete the form or contact one of our Business Development Managers listed below.
Bill ByrnePresident 216.520.8400 ext. 3126 Bill.Byrne@proforma.com
Laura Byrne Adminstrative Assistant216.520.8400 ext. 2631Laura.Bryne@proforma.com
Ron CooperBusiness Development Manager 440.382.5869 Ron.Cooper@proforma.com
Larry JonesBusiness Development Manager 440.542.9346 Larry.Jones@proforma.com
Kaitlyn SmithBusiness Development Manager216.520.8400 ext. 1402Kaitlyn.Smith@proforma.com
Mike SollenbergerBusiness Development Manager330.464.8986Michael.Sollenberger@proforma.com
Proforma Park Place
8800 East Pleasant, Valley RoadIndependence, Ohio 44131216-520-8400 440-382-5869
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